Shaping Policy
- Expertise for U.S. Export Control Laws, Regulations, and Policies
- Guidance to DoD on Export Controls
- Department of Defense Foreign Disclosure Authorities
- Secretariats for NDPC and ATTR SSG
- Foreign National Visits and Assignments Program
- Technology Release Waivers
- Technology Release Policies
- Sanctions
Guidance to Department of Defense (DoD) Components on Export Controls
As DoD's focal point on international transfers of export-controlled technology and sharing of classified military information, DTSA establishes guidelines and assists DoD components in complying with applicable U.S. laws and regulations and DoD policies.
DTSA conveys this guidance, in part, through three related DoD issuances: DoDI 2040.02. International Transfers of Technology, Articles and Services, DoDD 5230.11, Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations, and DoDI 2030.08, Implementation of Trade Security Controls (TSC) for Transfers of DoD U.S. Munitions List (USML) and Commerce Control List (CCL) Personal Property to Parties Outside DoD Control.
DTSA works directly with DoD components to answer questions on technology transfers, international program security requirements and trade security controls, including use of export exemptions. DTSA works with other DoD stakeholders in ensuring that DoD issuances include appropriate references to export control and technology transfer policy, the release of classified military information, and international programs security requirements. DTSA works with Office of the Under Secretary for Acquisition and Sustainment (A&S) to ensure DoD Federal Acquisition Regulations incorporate export control-related contractual requirements and DoD program managers are properly trained on export control requirements.