Shaping Policy
- Expertise for U.S. Export Control Laws, Regulations, and Policies
- Guidance to DoD on Export Controls
- Department of Defense Foreign Disclosure Authorities
- Secretariats for NDPC and ATTR SSG
- Foreign National Visits and Assignments Program
- Technology Release Waivers
- Technology Release Policies
- Sanctions
DTSA is responsible for providing the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy position to the Department of State on proposed sanctions for conventional arms transfers that are subject to the Iran North Korea and Syria Nonproliferation Act (INKSNA). DTSA coordinates with OSD country desks and DoD Intelligence Components (e.g., DIA, USDI) at the Assistant Secretary level.
Parties may be placed on an entity list, denied persons list, debarred list, or sanctioned if the U.S. determines that they have transferred to, or acquired from, Iran, North Korea or Syria goods, services and/or technology on multilateral controls lists (Wassenaar, NSG, AG, and MTCR).
End User Review Committee/Entity List
DTSA represents the Department of Defense on the Department of Commerce-led End User Review Committee (ERC). Other members include the Departments of State and Energy. The ERC is responsible for maintaining the Entity List, which identifies foreign parties/entities, and those acting on their behalf, that have been involved in or pose a significant risk of becoming involved in activities that are contrary to the national security and foreign policy interest of the United States. Exports of almost all items subject to Commerce’s Export Administration Regulations require a license if destined to these entities.